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Fairy God(s) Mother? The Virgin Mary and the Fairy Godmother

Fairy God(s) Mother? The Virgin Mary and the Fairy Godmother in Western Fairy Tales
Dr Paul Quinn
Monday 13th May 2024, 5 p.m., AB 2.01 / online

As part of on-going research on the relationship between Christianity and the fairy tale, Paul Quinn will examine the role of the Virgin Mary, and Marian-like figures, in a range of Western fairy tales Discussing work by figures including Charles Perrault, Catherine d’Aulnoy, the Brothers Grimm, C.S. Lewis and J.R.R Tolkien, the paper will question the use of the figure of the fairy godmother as a substitute for the Virgin Mary and will consider the degree to which the Virgin Mary is constructed as a type of fairy godmother in accounts of Marian apparitions.
Free and open to all. For access to the Teams link, please e-mail h.robbins@chi.ac.uk.
AB2.01, University of Chichester College Lane, West Sussex PO19 6PE
Mon 13 May
Contact telephone: 01243816000 Call to check latest times or cancellations.