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The Little Green Boat Company - Staines

venue addressThe Lammas Recreation Grounds, Wraysbury Road, Staines, Surrey TW18 4XZ
event date
event timesCafe - 8:30-18:00 April-September 7 days, Weekends only 8:30-17:00 October-March.
Boat Hire - Spring and Summer 10:00-18:00. Prebooking advised.
telephone 01628321260 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

The Little Green Boat Company - Staines

The Lammas Recreation ground is the home of The Little Green Boat Company, Staines.

Riverside Cafe - serving hot and cold drinks, snacks and hot food, ice cream and ice lollies and a small variety of park toys. Accepting card payments only.

Boat Hire - on the river frontage in the Spring and Summer season a small self drive fleet of boats is available to hire for an hour. Staying between Penton Hook lock and Bell Weir lock, an hour trip is perfect to see Staines from a different point of view and to feed the ducks and swans from the boat. Prebooking always recommended, walk ups also welcomed. All boats and times are on a first come, first served basis.

For more information check our Instagram, Facebook, and website.
Instagram - @littlegreenboatcompany
Facebook - @thelittlegreenboatcompany