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Commandery Quest Escape Room

venue addressThe Commandery Sidbury Worcester Worcestershire WR1 2HU
event date
event timesFriday, Saturday, Sunday

Price vary - check website
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Commandery Quest Escape Room

Experience The Commandery like never before!
Once the Royalist headquarters during the English Civil War, The Commandery is rumoured to be where an important object was hidden on the eve of the Battle of Worcester…

Now the museum curators need to find the artefact before infamous thief Arty Snitch, who is determined to find the treasure for himself.

Recently, Arty has struck at some of the most high-profile museums and galleries across Europe and we believe he’s now after the famous Great Seal of King Charles II, said to have been hidden right here in 1651.

Climb up to the museum attic with your team to solve challenges from different periods of history and complete the escape room game.

Do you have what it takes to unearth the Royal Seal, before it’s too late?