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The Micro Museum

venue address11 Church Hill Ramsgate Kent CT11 8RA
event date
event timesMain season Easter - end September at Weekends 1-4pm
Additional days during main school holiday periods.
Some occasional dates out of season.
Entry: adult or child £5, family or group of 4 people £15.

Main museum is wheelchair accessible. Accessible WC.

See website Visit page for current dates and more information.
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About this Event

The Micro Museum

The Museum of Vintage Computers and Videogaming. Opened in 2014 as Kent's only museum solely dedicated to home computing and gaming history.
Discover the owners' unique collection of vintage home computers, games consoles and games, electronic toys and much more, learn some fascinating facts about the history of computing and get hands on playing retro videogames.
Fun for ALL ages.

The Micro Museum is owned by Mike and Carol Deer and is the showcase for their private collection of personal computers and more. Exhibits display devices from the early 20th to the 21st century. The focus is on the 1970s, 80s and 90s when computers were changed forever from being tools used only by scientists and academics to become an invaluable part of everyday life for everyone.