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West Bay Discovery Centre

venue addressChapel on the Beach WEST BAY Dorset DT6 4EN
event date
event timesAdmission free - Donations welcomed.
Summer opening
Tuesday - Sunday 11am -4pm
Closed Mondays excluding Bank Holidays.

The centre is accessible to buggy and wheelchair users and our displays use a variety of audio and visual mediums. Guide and Assistance dogs are always welcome. A downloadable Accessibility Guide is available on our website. Non assistant dogs are welcome too- please ask at peak times as space is limited inside the building.
telephone 01308 427288 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

West Bay Discovery Centre

Situated on the edge of the beach in the charming fishing village of West Bay the award-winning West Bay Discovery Centre is located inside the former historic Methodist Church and tells the stories of West Bay both past and present. The spectacular scenery of West Bay was the location of the TV drama “Broadchurch” and the Church was even featured in the first series.

We aim to offer something for all ages and interests from. Our interactive displays cover many aspects of West Bay’s heritage. They include the former shipbuilding industry, commercial fishing, the development of tourism and the surrounding environment of the Jurassic Coast.

Children and families love West Bay Discovery Centre, especially our hands-on activities. We love seeing our visitors playing: they can shelter boats from a storm, build a cliff and identify West Bay’s fishing catch or our local wildlife and feel in the “hidey-hole” for creatures from the sea.