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Inspired by wildlife art workshop - an introduction to drawing wildlife

Spend a day learning how to capture on paper the colours, textures and movements of wildlife. You'll be shown basic drawing techniques that can be applied to any subject, and have the opportunity to work on a detailed piece inspired by the wildlife here at Pulborough Brooks, while receiving plenty of 1:1 advice. Tea, coffee and sweet nibbles will be provided but please bring a packed lunch. We will also provide a sketchbook and a full list of materials you will need to bring will be emaile
10 am - 3 pm. Booking essential. £40 per person/£32 for RSPB members.
RSPB Pulborough Brooks natue reserve, Uppertons Barn, Wiggonholt, Pulborough, West Sussex RH20 2EL
Sun 25 Feb 2018
This is a Past Event and has been archived.

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