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Baby Broadway Family Concert- North Finchley

venue addressartsdepot, 5 Nether Street Tally Ho Corner North Finchley London N12 0GA
event dateSaturday 7 Dec 2024
event timesSaturday 7th December, 10am, 11.30am & 2pm

Tickets from £10
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Baby Broadway Family Concert- North Finchley

“ We LOVE baby broadway. So magical at Christmas. The children are mesmerized” - parent on Instagram

“Thank you so much for some much needed Christmas cheer this morning…enjoyed ourselves hugely” Charlotte, Facebook

Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas at a festive Baby Broadway concert this December! An interactive Christmas performance suitable for all ages.

The whole family can sing and dance along to seasonal showtunes from hit musicals and well-known songs from Christmas films, all performed by West End singers.

Enjoy numbers from Elf, White Christmas, The Snowman, Frozen and many more. Festive fancy dress is encouraged and - as well as singing, clapping and dancing along - you can expect bubbles, bells, flying babies and puppetry!

Open to all ages from new-borns to school age to grandparents, concerts last approximately 45 minutes, doors open 15 minutes before start time.

Visit the Baby Broadway website for more information www.babybroadway.co.uk
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