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Bargoed May Fair 2024

Spring has well and truly sprung in Caerphilly County Borough, and we’re keeping things going strong with the Bargoed May Fair!

With a range of stalls populated with incredible small businesses, exciting entertainment and fantastic funfair rides, the Bargoed May Fair promises to give Bargoed a big bloomin’ boost!
So come along on Saturday 4th May for a day of fun-filled festivities and an opportunity to support the town, the high street and local businesses!

For trade space and general event enquiries, please email events@caerphilly.gov.uk.

For more information on the market, including the entertainment programme, stalls in attendance and road closures; please visit www.visitcaerphilly.com/events.

This event supports #ChooseLocal to encourage support of and boosts to local businesses.
This event is jointly funded by Bargoed Town Council and Caerphilly County Borough Council and organised by Caerphilly County Borough Council.


Mae'r gwanwyn eisoes wedi cyrraedd ym Mwrdeistref Sirol Caerffili, ac rydyn ni'n parhau i gadw pethau'n mynd yn dda gyda Ffair Fai, Bargod!

Gydag amrywiaeth o stondinau yn llawn busnesau bach anhygoel, adloniant cyffrous a reidiau ffair ffantastig, mae Ffair Fai, Bargod, yn addo rhoi hwb mawr i Fargod!

Dewch draw ar ddydd Sadwrn 4 Mai am ddiwrnod llawn hwyl a sbri, a chyfle i gefnogi'r dref, y stryd fawr a busnesau lleol!

I holi am ofod masnachu a’r digwyddiad yn gyffredinol, anfonwch e-bost i digwyddiadau@caerffili.gov.uk.

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am y farchnad, gan gynnwys y rhaglen adloniant, stondinau a fydd yn bresennol a'r ffyrdd a fydd ar gau, ewch i www.visitcaerphilly.com/cy/events.

Mae’r digwyddiad hwn yn cynorthwyo #DewisLleol i roi hwb ac ennyn cefnogaeth i fusnesau lleol.
Ariennir y digwyddiad hwn ar y cyd gan Gyngor Tref Bargod a Chyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Caerffili a’i drefnu gan Gyngor
9am - 5pm

FREE entry!
Bargoed Town Centre Caerphilly CF81 8QR
Sat 4 May
This is a Past Event and has been archived.

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Contact telephone: 029 2088 0011 Call to check latest times or cancellations.

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