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Scottish Country Dancing Adult Beginners Class

venue addressLadybarn Community Hub, Royle Street, Manchester M14 6RN
event dateTue 12 Sep to Tuesday 7 Nov 2023
event timesTuesday evenings, 7.30-9.30pm September to May
First class half-price (£3) in cash or cheque. Subsequent classes £6.
Email us to sign up: rscds.manchester@gmail.com
Please bring a (reusable) bottle of water with you and wear comfortable clothing and trainers.
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Scottish Country Dancing Adult Beginners Class

Scottish Country Dance Beginners classes for Adults starting Tuesday 12th September 2023

Scottish Country Dancing is similar to the Ceilidh dancing popularly seen at weddings but with a larger variety of dances and some technique! Our beginners classes will teach you the basic footwork and figures and increase your confidence on the dance floor. Above all, come and have some fun!

Please see our website for more information www.rscds-manchester.org.uk
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