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FREE taster session with the Allesley Rock Choir

If you are wanting to find a local choir to join you'll find a happy place with us in the Coventry Rock Choir.

The Coventry Rock Choir is led by singing teacher Mark O'Malley. A local community choir first and foremost, we are also part of the national Rock Choir network, which provides unrivalled opportunities to sing live. Members of Rock Choir have had the chance to meet and sing in front of many celebrities and public figures, including Will Smith, 'The Fonz' - Henry Winkler and Sir Richard Branson at the UK's top venues including the O2!

Rock Choir is the no audition, no need to read music choir and it was the first of its kind in the country. The best thing of all? You can book yourself a FREE singing taster session before joining the choir. Just go to rockchoir.com and you'll find out all you need to know. You can also find out about the very talented and supportive choir leader, Mark and how to join the choir in Coventry.

Here is a quote about our choir - 'Rock Choir has given me a new dimension in life - I joined after my dad died as I knew I needed something new to focus on. I come down to choir on the train from home and in the winter waiting around at a freezing station is not very appealing when its lovely and warm at home, but I never want to miss a session no matter how tired, cold or grumpy I feel. When my husband picks me up he always says the same thing - I am always bubbly and happy and looking forward to the next week.' - Liz (Rock Choir Member)

Rock Choir is a winner of the Red Ribbon 'Big Heart' Award. and holds 1 former and 2 current Guinness World Records. The choir is also credited with single handedly starting the contemporary choir movement.
Start time: 2:00 PM. Make sure you book online at the Website link below.
Allesley Village Hall, Birmingham Road, Allesley, Coventry, West Midlands CV5 9GX
Tue 14 May, Tue 21 May, Tue 18 Jun, Tue 25 Jun, Tue 2 Jul