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FREE taster session with the Dorchester Rock Choir

venue addressDorchester RFC, Coburg Road, Dorchester, Dorset DT1 2HX
event dateTue 11 Feb, Tue 25 Feb, Tue 11 Mar
event timesStart time: 10:00 AM. Make sure you book online at the Website link below.
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About this Event

FREE taster session with the Dorchester Rock Choir

Do you want to learn to sing near you?

Your local Dorchester choir is run by singer/pianist Sadie Kerslake. Over the past few years Rock Choir has become firmly ingrained on the national consciousness, with its unique mix of en-masse singing, fundraising, television appearances, and emphasis on supporting local communities. With performances at prestigious national venues such as 158 metres up the BT tower in London and sporting events such as the 2012 rugby league final at Wembley Stadium which featured 1,500 choir members! - you too can have the opportunity to be a singing star!

Whether you only sing in the shower or along to your car radio, or whether you see yourself belting out a showstopper in front of an audience of thousands, there's a place for you in the Dorchester Rock Choir. With no singing audition or need to read music, anyone can come along to a FREE taster session and see what all the fuss is about!

Here is a quote about our choir - 'My 12 year old daughter Abbii and I both sing in Rock Choir. It is great to do something together that we both really enjoy. We have sung at Disneyland Paris and Guilfest, and I have been on the Paul O'Grady Show. What an experience! ' - Judith (Rock Choir member)

Rock Choir is a winner of the Red Ribbon 'Big Heart' Award. and holds 1 former and 2 current Guinness World Records. The choir is also credited with single handedly starting the contemporary choir movement.

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