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Allan Schiller - piano recital

venue addressSalisbury Medieval Hall, West Walk The Close, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP1 2EY
event dateSaturday 30 Sep 2023
event timesStart time 14.00. Doors open 13.30. End time 15.00 (approx) No interval

Cash bar before the start

Tickets: £10
telephone 07773210706 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Allan Schiller - piano recital

Allan Schiller is an old friend of The Medieval Hall and is well known to Salisbury audiences. His long, illustrious career continues unabated – as witnessed by the enthusiastic audience at his Medieval Hall recital last March. His marvellous technique and his engaging personality promise a highly entertaining Saturday afternoon concert.

J.S.Bach: Partita no.2 in C minor BWV 826 (1727)
Mozart: Sonata in B flat K333 (composed in 1783)
Schumann: Faschingsschwank aus Wien (Carnival Scenes from Vienna) Op. 26
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