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Patrick Hammerlé

venue addressSalisbury Medieval Hall, West Walk The Close, Wiltshire SP1 2EY
event dateSunday 22 Oct 2023
event timesConcert starts 14.00. Ends 15.00 approx. Doors open 13.30
Tickets £10
telephone 07773210706 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Patrick Hammerlé

We have discovered a talent who is, most likely, new to Salisbury music lovers. A Frenchman in Cambridge – who is loving his adopted home – as he forges an excellent career both here in the UK and worldwide.
We know him to be a musician who is prepared to include what he calls ‘fringe repertoire, the composers and works that have been left in the shadows’. However, for his first visit to our city, he has chosen a splendid Sunday afternoon programme – a thoroughly enjoyable concert is anticipated.
An adventure into the ‘shadows’ will follow!
Chopin: Four Ballades
Wagner/Liszt: Isoldes Liebestod
Grainger/Strauss: Ramble on Love
Liszt/Mozart: Réminiscences de Don Juan
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