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All the Arts Theatre School - Enrolment Week

venue address435 Footscray Road, New Eltham, Kent SE9 3UL
event dateSat 20 Apr to Thursday 6 Jun 2024
event timesAffordable Prices
Classes are priced extremely competitively and we do not charge for our end of term shows. All of our classes contain a mixture of three disciplines (drama, singing & dance). This means that pupils do not have to attend additional classes, keeping costs low for parents.
telephone 020 8850 2384 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

All the Arts Theatre School - Enrolment Week

All The Arts Theatre School offer Award Winning affordable yet professional classes in the Bexley, Bromley, Eltham & Sidcup areas.

The school was founded in 2003 to provide professional training for children ages 3-18 yrs in all aspects of the performing arts.

At All the Arts we believe that all of our pupils should have the chance to shine. Regular performance opportunities are offered to all class members (regardless of prior experience), at venues including The Churchill Theatre, The Stag Theatre, The Bob Hope, Sadlers Wells, The o2 and The Royal Albert Hall. Our successful TV and Theatrical Agency is also available to all ATA pupils without audition.
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