About this Event
Wednesday MetroLatina FREE intro class 7pm lONDON soho
by The Latin Collective UK & Bar Salsa Soho
The UK's Longest Running #Latin Clubnight
@ Bar Salsa Soho, 96 Charing Cross Rd, #Soho, #London #WC2H 0RY
(running since 2001)
in 2 Rooms
Doors open 4pm-2am
Your amazing mid week salsa and bachata fix . Fantastic chill out areas , #garden opens until 8.30pm, #club opens until 2am.
Enjoy your 241 on signature #cocktails ALL NIGHT!!
There is a #FREE #FUN SALSA #class for #BEGINNERS at 7pm . No need to book
#Entry is FREE B4 9pm (bring valid I.D. essential)
£6 Entry after 9pm pay at the door
#HAPPY #HOUR - on #cocktails at beers , spirits + mixer 4-8pm
Up to 50% #discounts on drinks (except for wine, fizz, and bottles of spirits)
241 on our signature #cocktails ALL #NIGHT
#FREE intro dance #class 7pm #BEGINNERS SALSA FREE (no need to book)
7:30-9:30pm - 2hrs of #classes in Xbody Salsa (5 levels) &
Bachata (3 levels) SEPARATE ROOM for the bachata classes