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Lewes History Group Talk by Sue Berry: The Development of Lewes

venue addressOnline - Zoom East Sussex BN7 2BY
event dateMonday 11 Dec 2023
event timesDate and time: 11th December 2023, 7.30pm on Zoom

Members free | Non-members £4 via ticketsource.co.uk/lhg


telephone 01273 447566 for latest times or cancellations.
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Lewes History Group Talk by Sue Berry: The Development of Lewes

The Lewes History Group December talk will begin with asking why the arrival of the railway failed to give Lewes the reboot in the 1840s, which greatly benefited Brighton and other resorts. Was the lack of growth typical of market towns? We will then explore how the town found its feet by developing stronger links with the surrounding rural area. From the 1860s, some ambitious new suburbs were developed, attracting investors from Brighton - but what type of housing worked best, and why? In spite of a slow start, Lewes had changed a lot by 1914, and the Georgian area became ringed by nineteenth century development...
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