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introducion to Analogue Photography

introducion to Analogue Photography

This is a ten week course which teaches tge theory and practice of black and white analogue photography. By the end of the course participants will be proficient in picture taking , film processing and silver gelatin printing.
Own camera preferred SLR . Two availsble for loan cost involved. Participipants are adked tonprovide their own film and paper or contribute to paper supplied. Small additional.cost for community darkroom
All welcome. Booking essential. Taught in artists/ photogaphers studio. Class size limited to 6 max.

Please note the course runs to July 3rd.

Email alison.day54@gmail.com for booking and further info.
5.30 pm - 7.00 pm
Costs £125 or £110 concessions.
The Lewisham Arthouse, 140 Lewisham Way New Cross, London SE14 6PD
Wed 17 Apr to Wed 12 June
This is a Past Event and has been archived.

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