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Oak Farm - Open Garden for NGS

venue addressOak Farm, Colchester, Essex CO6 2AH
event dateThu 23 May to Wednesday 10 Jul 2024
event timesCheck website for latest information.
Thur 23 May, Sun 9 June, Wed 10 July, Sun 8 Sept (2-5). Admission £5, Children free. Home-made teas. Times:14:00 to 17:00.
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Oak Farm - Open Garden for NGS

Informal farmhouse garden of about an acre on an exposed site. Garden designed to make most of stunning views across Colne Valley to S and W, framed to N by listed house and farmyard. Trees, shrubs, borders, roses and secret garden at best in early and mid summer. Prairie garden, salvias and dahlias come into their own in late summer/early autumn. Mainly accessible by wheelchair avoiding a few steps.
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