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Haven - Open Garden for NGS

Award winning 300ft garden, designed in the Glade style, similar to Forest gardening but more open and with use of exotic and unusual trees, shrubs and perennials, with wildlife in mind, devised and maintained by the owner, densely planted in a natural style with stepping stone paths. Two ponds (one for wildlife, one for fish with water lilies), gravel garden, rock garden, fernery, Japanese garden, cactus garden, hostas and many exotic, rare and unusual trees, shrubs and plants inc tree ferns and bamboos and year-round colour.
Check website for latest information.
Sun 3 Mar, Sun 7, Sun 28 Apr, Sun 12, Sun 26 May, Sun 9, Sun 30 June, Sun 14 July, Sun 4, Sun 25 Aug, Sun 22 Sept, Sun 20 Oct, Sun 10 Nov (10-4). Admission £5, Children free. Times:10:00 to 16:00.
Haven, Ramsgate, Kent CT12 4BZ
Sun 20 Oct, Sun 10 Nov
Contact telephone: 01843 822594 Call to check latest times or cancellations.