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21 Oakleigh Park South - Open Garden for NGS

venue address21 Oakleigh Park South London N20 9JS
event dateSunday 16 Jun 2024
event timesCheck website for latest information.
Sun 16 June (2-6). Admission £5, Children free. Home-made teas. Times:14:00 to 18:00.
telephone 07909 901731 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

21 Oakleigh Park South - Open Garden for NGS

A late spring opening. A mature 200ft garden framed by a magnificent 100 yr old ash tree. Path leads to a pond area fed by a natural spring within landscaped terraced paving. Beyond is a herb and vegetable area, orchard with bulbs and wild flowers and the working part of the garden. A mix of sunny borders, pond marginals and woodland shade areas with seating.
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