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Town Place - Open Garden for NGS

A stunning 3 acre garden with a growing international reputation for the quality of its design, planting and gardening. Set round a C17 Sussex farmhouse (not open), the garden has over 400 roses, herbaceous borders, herb garden, white garden, topiary inspired by the sculptures of Henry Moore, an 800 yr old oak, potager, and a unique ruined Priory Church and Cloisters in hornbeam.
Check website for latest information.
Sun 9, Wed 12, Wed 19, Sun 23, Sun 30 June, Sun 7 July (2-5). Admission £8, Children free. Times:14:00 to 17:00.
Town Place, Sheffield Park, West Sussex RH17 7NR
Sun 9 Jun to Sun 7 July
This is a Past Event and has been archived.

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