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Dingle Nurseries & Garden - Open Garden for NGS

4½ acre internationally acclaimed RHS partner garden on south facing site, sloping down to lakes. Huge variety of rare and unusual trees, ornamental shrubs and herbaceous plants give year-round interest. Set in the hills of mid Wales this beautiful well known garden attracts visitors from Britain and abroad. Plant collector's paradise.
Check website for latest information.
For NGS: Sat 11, Sun 12 May, Sat 5, Sun 6 Oct (9-5). Admission £3.50, Children free. Tea & coffee available. Times:09:00 to 17:00.
Dingle Nurseries & Garden, Welshpool, Powys SY21 9JD
Sat 5 October and Sun 6 October
Contact telephone: 01938 555145 Call to check latest times or cancellations.