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Arad Goch - Cerdyn Post o Wlad y Rwla

Cynhyrchiad theatr Rala Rwdins i blant a theuluoedd

A Rala Rwdins stage play for children and families

Cerdyn Post o Wlad y Rwla

Gan/By Angharad Tomos
Cyfarwyddo gan / Directed by Jeremy Turner

Mae Cwmni Theatr Arad Goch yn adnabyddus am ei ddramâu i blant, ac mae cynyrchiadau Rala Rwdins wedi bod yn rhan bwysig o waith y cwmni ers y cychwyn! Mae Rala Rwdins a’u ffrindiau wedi llwyddo i drosglwyddo o’r llyfr i’r llwyfan ac i’r sgrin fach, ac mae cenedlaethau o blant wedi eu magu yng nghwmni’r cymeriadau.

Dewch i gwrdd â Rala Rwdins, Rwdlan, Dewin Doeth, Dewin Dwl, Llipryn Llwyd, Strempan a heb anghofio Mursen y gath, ac ymuno yn yr helynt wrth iddynt fynd ar eu gwyliau. Ac fel arfer yng nghwmni’r criw mae yna gastiau a thriciau gyda digon o ganu a chwerthin!

Cwmni Theatr Arad Goch are known for producing plays for children, and our Rala Rwdins productions have been an important part of the company’s work since the very beginning! Rala Rwdins and her friends have successfully gone from page to stage and to the small screen, and generations of children have grown up with the characters.

Come and meet Rala Rwdins, Rwdlan, Dewin Doeth, Dewin Dwl, Llipryn Llwyd, Strempan - not forgetting Mursen the cat! Come and join the characters as they embark on their holidays. And as always with this gang, there will be a lot of tricks, singing and laughing! Mae Cerdyn Post o Wlad y Rwla yn gynhyrchiad Cymraeg wedi ei anelu at blant 3-8 oed,

Cerdyn Post o Wlad y Rwla is a Welsh language production aimed at children aged 3-8, but it is also very suitable for new Welsh speakers of all ages.

Y dramodydd / the Writer

Angharad Tomos, awdures cyfres Rala Rwdins sydd wedi ysgrifennu Cerdyn Post o Wlad y Rwla. Hi wnaeth ysgri
10.00am Full Price £8
TALIESIN ARTS CENTRE Swansea University Singleton Campus Swansea SA2 8PZ
Wed 3 July
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