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Bromsgrove Cuppa and Catch Up

venue addressBromsgrove Golf Centre, Old Stratford Rd, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire B60 1LD
event dateMonday 15 Jul 2024
event timesThe 3rd Monday of every Month.

11am - 12.30pm
Free entry with a complimentary hot or soft drink for guests on their first visit
telephone 07883070322 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Bromsgrove Cuppa and Catch Up

Looking to fill your social calendar? Meet new friends in a relaxed environment?

Then why not come along for our Oddfellows Cuppa and Catch up event at Bromsgrove Golf Centre on the 3rd Monday of every month to meet like minded people over a cuppa.

We have the occasional brain teaser quiz (Nothing too hard!) or play board games (No cheating!) but the main thing is people catching up with old or new friends for a lovely 90 minutes to get you out the house.

When the weather improves we will include a short walk for some fresh air followed by a sit down and cuppa.

The event is aimed at those aged 50 years plus but a warm welcome will await you whatever your age.
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