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Kings Heath Art Market

Kings Heath Art Market

venue addressNew Life Baptist Church, 80 High Street, Kings Heath, Birmingham, West Midlands B14 7JZ
event dateSat 15 Mar, Sat 19 Apr
event times2pm to 5pm, free entry
telephone 07958718286 for latest times or cancellations.
Organised by Traditional Arts Team
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About this Event

Kings Heath Art Market

The monthly Kings Heath Art Market will start a new season in March 2025.

This vibrant market will be a celebration of local talent and a platform for artists to showcase their unique work, be it visual, sculptural, or beyond. Expect a lively atmosphere that attracts art lovers and casual visitors from all walks of life as part of their Saturday afternoon shopping. This market will all be about showcasing our local art scene in the heart of Kings Heath.

This central indoor venue ensures a cosy and comfortable environment, regardless of the weather. Bring your friends, family, and neighbours along for a day of discovery, connection, and creativity. Let's build our arts community together at KINGS HEATH ART MARKET!

If you would like more information, or if you would like to book a stall, please email grahamlangley19@gmail.com

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