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Boswell Book Festival

venue addressDumfries House, Cumnock, Ayrshire KA19 2NJ
event dateFri 10 May to Sunday 12 May 2024
event times17:30 Friday May 10 to 18:30 Sunday 12 May
Dumfries House, Ayrshire KA18 2NJ
Prices from £8

Children's Festival May 11&12 10:15 to 15:15
Engineering Centre, Dumfries House, KA18 2NJ
Children's prices from £2 with KA18 postcode discount
telephone 0333 0035 077 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Boswell Book Festival

The Boswell Book Festival is a hybrid festival held 10-12 May 2024 at historic Dumfries House.

At the heart of the programme are the stories behind the inspirational lives of people past and present - told through talks, art and music.

With 44 events presented both live and streamed online for those unable to reach the venue in person, 2024 speakers include John Niven, Donna Ashworth, William Dalrymple, Doon Mackichan, Alexander McCall Smith and the Hebridean Baker.

The Boswell Children's Festival offers a comprehensive series of 12 talks from leading children’s authors such as Chae Strathie, Vivian French, David MacPhail and Jill Calder. Outside the venues, exciting interactive events combine to make a rich and stimulating programme.

Cafes, restaurants, bookshops, signings, house tours, workshops and satellite events combine to create a weekend with universal appeal offering a unique opportunity for readers to engage with
authors and ideas.
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