About this Event
Exploring Portraiture - Muir Trust Artist Exhibition
Now that Cara Gordon has completed her portraiture residency, we invite you to attend the private view and talk on 23rd May, before the exhibition officially opens on the 24th!
Entry to the talk is included with your Museum ticket - book a slot for the talk to secure your place as capacity is limited.
She will talk about her career to date and the residency.
~‘Exploring Portraiture’ exhibition: opens 24 May 2024~ Cara’s evocative works range from portraiture to landscapes. She is a renowned and award-winning artist including winning the RUA Gold Medal at the 2021 exhibition at the Ulster Museum.
For her Residency, Cara will create a group of drawn portraits and sketches of local people within the museum and the surrounding town. These may be quick spontaneous sketches or longer studies made onto collages of discarded papers that add another dimension and texture to each portrait. She will be looking for a diverse range of sitters to illustrate the town and its communities today and hopes to engage new audiences with her work.