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Jazz On The Plaza feat. Alex Garnett w. Terence Collie & Stuart Barker

venue addressCafe Yukari 110 North Road, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 4HJ
event dateSunday 28 Apr 2024
event timesAdvance ticket £16+booking fee through www.moodindigoevents.co.uk
£18 on night if available.

Tables 7pm, Music 7.30
telephone 07940731490 for latest times or cancellations.
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Jazz On The Plaza feat. Alex Garnett w. Terence Collie & Stuart Barker

This month’s Jazz On The Plaza acoustic trio concert features Alex Garnett on saxophone with Terence Collie on piano and Stuart Barker on double bass.

The venue is a friendly and intimate family-run café in leafy Kew which houses a beautiful Fazioli grand piano. Optional light Japanese meals are served and the audience are invited to bring their own wine.

Seats maximum 25 people so early booking recommended!
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