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Streamside Trees - Bonsai Experience - Open Garden for NGS

Something different! Visits start promptly at 10am and 1pm with guided tour around a 140ft garden with stream, azaleas, rhododendrons, camellias, pond and many wildlife habitats. Display of bonsai in development and tree nursery. Then enjoy informal bonsai demonstration from Julia, an enthusiast who also holds 'Create a Bonsai' hands-on experiences and is a member of bonsai societies. Q&A and refreshments.
Check website for latest information.
Thur 9, Sat 25 May (10-2.30). Admission £20. Pre-booking essential, please visit www.ngs.org.uk for information & booking. Visits start promptly at 10am & 1pm with guided tour. Tea, coffee & cake included. Times:10:00 to 14:30.
Streamside Trees - Bonsai Experience, Fleet, Hampshire GU52 6TG
Sat 25 May