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Abbots Langley Carnival

venue addressManor House Grounds, Abbots Langley, Hertfordshire WD5 0DD
event dateSaturday 8 Jun 2024
event timesThe Carnival runs from approx 12 noon to 5:00pm. Entry is free to all.
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Abbots Langley Carnival

The annual Abbots Langley Carnival is organised by Watford Lions Club CIO.
It will be held on Saturday 8th June 2024.
A procession leaves School Mead, Abbots Langley WD5 0LA at 12 noon, travelling around the village and arriving, via the High Street, at Manor House Grounds at approx 1:00pm.
The Carnival will continue with live entertainments, dance, music, hot food, licensed bar, crafts, games, funfair and many activities. Watford Lions will also be selling tickets to their Grand Raffle at £1 per ticket with superb prizes.
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