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Newcastle upon Tyne Bach Choir Summer Concert

venue addressKing Hall, Armstrong Building, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear NE1 7RU
event dateSunday 16 Jun 2024
event times5:00pm
Tickets ;
£15; students/unwaged £5; under 18s free
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About this Event

Newcastle upon Tyne Bach Choir Summer Concert

Olivia Thomas (soprano)
Patrick Owston (baritone)
David Murray & Eileen Bown (piano duet)
Eric Cross (conductor)
Brahms was a deeply affected by the death of his close friend Robert Schumann. This and the
subsequent death of his mother seemed to be the starting point for his Requiem. Three
movements were premiered in 1865, but it was not a success. Six movements were performed in
1868 to a much better reception, after which Brahms added the soprano solo movement.
The text is from the Lutheran Bible, but it is not a liturgical work. The gentle opening ‘Selig sind’
(‘Blessed are they that mourn’) sets the tone for the work. There is no place for the wrathful Dies
Irae found in Berlioz and Verdi. Rather, Brahms focusses on the human experience of
bereavement and consolation.
This performance uses Brahms’ original piano duet accompaniment. We’re delighted to welcome
David Murray and Eileen Bown, who will also play Brahms’s Schumann variations. Our soloists
Olivia Thomas and Patrick Owston are both recent Newcastle University Music graduates
embarking on performing careers.
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