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Every Breath We Take

A visual Manifesto for Cleaner Air in London.

The exhibition, featuring artists from across North Kensington, London, and right across the UK, will transcend traditional art boundaries; weaving together diverse mediums—paintings, sculptures, digital installations, and photography—to create a multisensory experience. Each piece reflects the artists’ commitment to environmental consciousness and their passion for cleaner air.

The exhibition will also feature a trail of street art commissions across the 23-acre Westway Trust estate, underneath the Westway flyover in North Kensington.
A free public art exhibition will take place under the Westway flyover from Bank Holiday Monday 27 May – Friday 6 June.
12 Acklam Road London W10 5QZ
Mon 27 May to Fri 7 June
This is a Past Event and has been archived.

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