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Teddy Bear Ladies | Book Signing and Meet and Great

Join Julie Tatchell and Amanda Middleditch on their release of their new book Bartie Bristle and other stories. Meet the authors, get your signed copy of the book and listen to extracts read by the Teddy Bear Ladies themselves. This charming book is suitable for all teddy bear fans from 3 to 103.

Your £20 ticket includes a book, and admission for one person to meet and have photos with the authors, get your book signed and listen to Julie and Amanda read from the book.

There are £2.50 tickets for members of bigger parties who don’t wish to buy multiple books but would like admittance to the event. We request that these tickets are purchased alongside a full price ticket. There will be a limited supply of additional books available for purchase at £15 at the event.

Bring your bears, no need to book them a ticket.

This is a fundraising event for Guildford Cathedral. Proceeds from the ticket sales will go towards the preservation and upkeep of Guildford Cathedral.

Season’s Cafe will be open for you to purchase refreshments.

Tickets limited, booking is essential, for more information and to book, please visit: www.guildford-cathedral.org/events/teddy-bear-ladies-meet-and-greet-with-book-signing
There will be two time slots, 3pm-3.45pm and 4.30pm-5.15pm

Ticket price £20
Guildford Cathedral Stag Hill Surrey GU2 7UP
Contact telephone: 01483547878 Call to check latest times or cancellations.