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INCHBERRY Hall Friday 23 August 2024 @7pm - Save Our Speyside (SOS)
Our beautiful Speyside and surrounding countryside in Moray is under pressure from developers who are proposing to scarify the landscape south of Elgin with industrial power wind Turbines.
Teindland Forest which is our free public accessible Forestry Commission land is under threat from two different Power generators.
Loco,gen proposes to build in the Teindland Forest, to start with; <17 wind Turbines, 230meters high, polluting and disturbing hydrology, rare wild flora and fauna, bird life, water courses. peat and private water supplies, creating noise and oil spread in a panoramic desecration of carbon retaining Moray peatland, with concrete build holes consisting of twice the size for stable bases for support towers. Both proposals will affect the ecology and Ornithology of protected species; Osprey, Owl & bird habitats. Teindland access is planned by the B9103 from the Inverness A96. Planned is for an on-site substation, staff offices, welfare facilities as well as extensive line (SSEN?) connections to the National Grid.
Koehler [Charcoal burner] is planning to build at the Rothes Glen side of the Teindland <8 x 200meter wind Turbines which are double the height of Drummuir Turbines, mostly built in Europe and with Asian components. these would be built with associated sub station to connect to the grid with co-located hi fire risk Li-On Battery storage on our highly sensitive peatland.
Additionally, high Power towers and hanging 400 Kva High Tension power lines are planned, multiplying & proliferating already accumulated lines across Moray and the Inchberry and River Spey valley area to transport power from wind generators located on land and brought on-shore from Wind power Generators, floating and fixed, offshore in seas of our Moray Firth, through Beauly to Peterhead. Authorisation given, is to sea-bury south in the North Sea southward to offshore Hull to link with redundant power line capacity at Drax power station in Yorkshire and south for users.