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Hillier Prendegast at Queens Park Arts Centre and Limelight Theatre

venue addressQueens Park Arts Centre and Limelight Theatre Queens Park Aylesbury Bucks Buckinghamshire HP21 7RT
event dateSaturday 1 February
event timesTime: 8 - 10.30pm

Tickets: £12
telephone 01296 424332 for latest times or cancellations.
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Hillier Prendegast at Queens Park Arts Centre and Limelight Theatre

Hillier Prendergast acoustic duo with Mike Ashton on percussion

Steve Hillier and Danny Prendergast play their own arrangements for two acoustic guitars and two voices, covering songs from Bacharach to Beatles to Bowie and many, many more. From easy-listening golden greats to jazz standards to rock and pop classics, the sheer breadth of styles will keep the entertainment coming, each song rendered with a musical purity that the acoustic format allows.

Joining Steve and Danny on their guitars is percussionist Mike Ashton, playing a variety of instruments from washboard to bongos to tambourines and more!

(Incidentally, all three also play in well-known rock band The Dung Beatles!)
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