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Capriol Chamber Orchestra Concert for Children and Families

venue addressHoly Trinity Church, Trinity Rd, Stroud, Gloucestershire GL5 2HX
event dateSaturday 8 February
event timesDate & time: Saturday 8th February 2025 at 3pm

Venue: Holy Trinity Church, Stroud GL5 2HX

Tickets: Adult £12 (£10 for people in full time education, on Universal Credit, Job Seekers Allowance or Income Support). Children under 16 free

£1 reduction on tickets purchased prior to concert afternoon. Tickets will be available 3 weeks in advance of the event from Sub Rooms Box Office (+booking fee) 01453 796880 or online.
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About this Event

Capriol Chamber Orchestra Concert for Children and Families

We believe that introducing children to classical music early on in their lives can enrich their experience of music at all levels. Most of us were lucky enough to have started early and have continued to enjoy learning, playing and sharing music. Our classical concerts for children are informal fun events where audience participation is positively encouraged!

Jonathan Trim will conduct our next children’s concert, which will take place in Stroud on Saturday 8th February, starting at 3pm. The programme will last for about an hour and will include pieces such as Grieg’s Peer Gynt Suite and the lovely Dance of the Hours, ending with the wonderful narrative piece Tubby the Tuba, where Tubby finally gets the tune. Local broadcaster Faye Hatcher is making a guest appearance as Tubby’s narrator.

All the family will enjoy the experience of hearing and watching a live orchestra, and every child under the age of 16 gets in free!
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