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Dementia or simply old age? Basingstoke care home to host advice event

venue addressDashwood Manor Care Home, Bradley Wy, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG23 7GF
event dateFriday 31 January
event times
telephone 01256 805988 for latest times or cancellations.
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Dementia or simply old age? Basingstoke care home to host advice event

While general awareness of the condition has improved, data from Care UK shows two thirds of people who have a relative living with dementia (62%) initially put their symptoms down to old age. Many Brits remain unaware of the ways older people can lead meaningful lives with the condition, prompting Care UK to relaunch its Big Dementia Conversation for the second year running.

The ‘Adjusting to a diagnosis of dementia’ session at Dashwood Manor will be led by dementia expert Barbara Stephens, CEO of Dementia Pathfinders, and will provide insights into how people’s journey with dementia might unfold following a diagnosis. It will also offer advice on how to live positively with dementia, while making emotional and practical adjustments along the way.

Dashwood Manor will host three further events throughout February, including a ‘Typical signs of ageing or dementia?’ talk on Tuesday 4th February, a ‘Let’s talk about dementia’ session on Wednesday 12th February, and a ‘Supporting people with advanced dementia’ event on Thursday 27th February. All talks will be presented by team member Leahanne Wilkinson and will run from 2-4pm before being repeated from 6-8pm.
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