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Breath Bootcamp: Flow into Fun

venue addressMeadows Community Centre: 299 Arbury Rd, Arbury, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB4 2JL
event dateSaturday 25 January
event timesWhen: 25th January 10:00 AM - 15:30 PM
Where: Meadows Community Centre
Reserve your spot now: www.kumbhakakissed.com/courses/25thjan-breath-bootcamp
Organised by Kumbhaka Kissed
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About this Event

Breath Bootcamp: Flow into Fun

Feeling Overwhelmed? Sluggish? In a Funk? You're Not Alone.

Life can be a lot and sometimes the pressure of a new year, new you or resolutions can add to it all. The stress, the noise, the endless to-do lists, or the yearning to do better, be better, all while wanting to experience life more joyfully — It’s no wonder we feel overwhelmed sometimes! What if I told you hitting pause and reconnecting with your breath could be a best way forward?

Join my Breath Bootcamp Workshop 25th January. In this heart-centered, community-focused space, spend the day with me where you’ll discover the power of your breath—a simple yet magical tool you can use anytime, anywhere. The best part, you can have fun while doing it! Together, we’ll create a loving, supportive space where healing and connection happen.
Imagine what it feels like to learn how to use a tool you can carry with you forever. A way to ground yourself no matter what life throws your way.

Here’s What to Expect:
· Understanding of breath awareness to get you more in touch with your breath, experience what healthy breathing feels like, and the science behind it.
· Firsthand experience of different breath control exercises to change your emotional and physical state!
· A customized daily breathwork practice tailored to what resonates with you and the changes you want to see in your life.
· A fabulous breathwork journey to reconnect with yourself to identify what true fun looks like for you.
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