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Half Term at Standen: Tawny Owl Wood workshop and Finding the Old Oak

Half Term at Standen: Tawny Owl Wood workshop and Finding the Old Oak

venue addressStanden West Hoathly Road West Sussex RH19 4NE
event dateSat 15 Feb to Sunday 23 February
event timesSee text for times
Tawny Owl workshop & trail (1 child, 1 adult) £4
telephone 01342323029 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Half Term at Standen: Tawny Owl Wood workshop and Finding the Old Oak

Embark on an exciting adventure in Finding the Old Oak Tree' with traditional fun activities and a nature-inspired craft workshop.

Booking essential. Call 0344 249 1895 to book a ticket to claim your gift and attend the workshop.
Normal admission charges apply for the venue.
Saturday 15 to Sunday 23 February 2015.
Sessions will run each day between 10.30am-12.30pm and 1pm-3pm at 30mins intervals.

Embark on an exciting adventure with 'Finding the Old Oak Tree from Tawny Owl Wood’ a trail with activities and a nature-inspired craft workshop with author Louise. A. Shaw. Whether you're creating something special, or enjoying the trail, this is a lovely way to connect with nature.

Tawny Owl workshop & trail (1 child, 1 adult) £4, including a trail map, gift and craft activity.
Collect your trail sheet at Visitor Reception.

We suggest some sensible footwear, wellie boots for the wetter weather and a warm coat if it's chilly.

The grounds at Standen are on a hillside, expect uneven pathways and steps. Please be aware some areas may become slippery when wet. Check accessibility statement for full details

For further information call 01342 323029, email standen@nationaltrust.org.uk or visit the website www.nationaltrust.org.uk/standen

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