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venue addressSwan Studio, Swan Theatres, The Moors, Worcester, Worcestershire WR1 3ED
event dateSaturday 1 February
event timesSat 1 February - 7.45pm
Tickets: £14
telephone 01905 611 427 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event


A legendary figure has signed into the GROTTO for some out-of-season rehab. Is he the real thing, or another otherwise unemployed actor between Santa gigs? That’s the set up for a brand-new character stand-up by the critically acclaimed writer and performer Terry Victor – a jolly, white-bearded, fat man who has definitely seen the GROTTO from the dark side.

Terry Victor is magnetic, we saw the preview at the New Wimbledon Theatre - great performance, great writing, darkly funny, audience in palm of his hand.’ Facebook

At heart GROTTO is a powerful, comic celebration of diversity; a stockingful of juicy namedrops, super-salacious Santa secrets and Xmas rapping, dragged up with a bijou touch of gorgeous zhoush. We all know that there can only be one Santa but as more and more diverse personalities escape into the GROTTO it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas will never be the same again. Is Santa a drag queen?

GROTTO is an out-of-season Santa story, a clickbait photo op but, above all, it Is 60 minutes of zeitgeist-rattling entertainment with the world’s most recognisable stand-up.
This is a Past Event and has been archived.

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