Your interests and the welfare of our community are our primary concern.
We monitor new developments, planning applications, traffic issues and have working relationships with the Town and District Council, the Police, health and education and many local groups to ensure that our community is a great place to live work and play.
We are represented on the New Milton Neighbourhood Plan Working Group and some of the projects we are involved with or sponsor include:-
* Britain in Bloom - New Milton a Gold Award Town
* The Station, Town Centre and War Memorial floral displays
* The Wildflower Meadow on the Lymington Road
* The gold Olympic benches on the Recreation Ground in honour of our two Paralympians
* Commemorations of Battle's Over in 2018 and the VE75 in May 2020
* Number 1 New Milton Heritage Centre.
The Town's Christmas Lights.
We publish monthly a 24 Page full-colour magazine which is delivered to your door for only £6 per annum.