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Virginia Water Community Association

The Virginia Water Community Association (VWCA) is run by local volunteers who manage a modern Community Centre in the heart of Virginia Water used by a variety of groups who provide services to their neighbourhood. The Centre is available to hire for parties, meetings and other events.

The Community Centre is located at: Beechmont Avenue, Virginia Water, Surrey, GU25 4EY.

The Virginia Water Community Association is a registered charity (registered number 274809) set up in 1947 for the purpose of "providing facilities in the interests of social welfare for recreation and leisure time occupation for the inhabitants of Virginia Water and the neighbourhood".

The Centre is available for hire to groups or individuals, whether or not members of VWCA.

The Centre is available for hire to groups or individuals, whether or not members of VWCA, and there are regular classes that run each week or month.

VWCA social events are also open to anyone.

Virginia Water Community Centre Beechmont Avenue Virginia Water Surrey GU25 4EY
Contact telephone: 07534 162 331
Email Virginia Water Community Association here