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Redditch Community Shed

Redditch Community Shed is affiliated to the UK Mens' Shed movement and exists to help those men and women who are feeling lost or lonely during retirement. We have a woodworking workshop where people can work on their own projects or collaborate with other Shedders on items which are sold to support our running costs.

Updates and information on FaceBook at www.facebook.com/redditchcommunitysheds/
The Shed is open every Tuesday and Thursday from 10:00 until 2:00.
No charge for your first visit, after that membership is £5 per month plus £2 per visit.

The Shed is outside the Car Park 3 exit from the Kingfisher Centre, close to Primark.

Unit 7 George Walk Kingfisher Centre Redditch B97 4HJ

Email Redditch Community Shed here