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Stafford Film Theatre was formed in 1949 and is entirely run by volunteers. The Film theatre shows critically acclaimed British and foreign films that you might otherwise not have a chance to see on the big screen around Stafford. The main auditorium (with hearing loop) in The gatehouse, where we screen our films, provides the authentic cinema experience. You are guaranteed a warm welcome. We always encourage feedback on our films and ask for suggestions for future seasons, and there's seven a raffle each week!

Current Events

Stafford Film Theatre: The Room Next Door
The Gatehouse Theatre, Eastgate Street, Stafford Tuesday 18 February
Stafford Film Theatre: Lee
The Gatehouse Theatre, Eastgate Street, Stafford Tuesday 4 March
Stafford Film Theatre: My Favourite Cake
The Gatehouse Theatre, Eastgate Street, Stafford Tuesday 11 March