Bridport Ceilidhs are run ‘for the fun of it’ 8 times a year, on the first Saturdays in January to March, June, and September to December.
Our home base is St Mary’s Church House Hall, adjacent to St Mary’s Church in South Street, Bridport .
We look to engage some of the best bands and callers in the area, and mix and match them to give both experienced and new dancers an entertaining and exciting evening. Non-dancers welcome, the bands being well worth listening to in their own right.
So, come along and join us – whether your main dancing interest is in folk dance, country dancing, contra dance, square dancing, Playford style, or you just fancy a jolly good knees up at a barn dance – you can be sure of a warm welcome. No partners are required, all dances are talked and walked through and both the caller and other dancers will help you enjoy the evening to its full!
Dances are run with Bring & Share (finger food) suppers and your own alcohol.