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The Magic Roundabout Milongas & Moving Experience

The Magic Roundabout Milongas
are tango dance events for people who like traditional tango music. We believe that the details make a difference to your dance experience. We have sprung wooden dancefloors, excellent sound, cabeceo friendly lighting, experienced DJs, free tea and coffee and free parking.

The Magic Roundabout runs virtual milongas / tango cafés twice a month. Paul Strudwick and Bärbel Rücker share the organising and DJ duties. Occasionally there are also guest DJs.

Moving Experience
helps you to make your well being your priority. Online Feldenkrais classes will ground you in these difficult times. In the safety of your home you can find new ways of moving and walking through life and connect with likeminded people.

Website movingexperience.eu

Email The Magic Roundabout Milongas & Moving Experience here