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FREE taster session with the Rye Rock Choir

If you have ever thought 'I want to join a choir near me in Rye?' then why not join your local Rock Choir. The Rye Rock Choir is led by singer/pianist Esther Jones. The local men and women who have joined the choir who live in Rye and further afield in come from all walks of life and most had no singing experience or ever thought their singing journey would ever take them on TV or radio (not compulsory :-) ). Once you join the choir you will find you learn the songs by rote from a brilliant set of resources and you will be amazed how quickly you go from 'not sure' to 'performance ready'. The songs are uniquely arranged to make songs easy to sing yet still challenge you in places. Rock Choir offers the chance to sing pop, rock and Motown songs together in a comfortable, unauditioned way. There are a minimum of 10 singing sessions a term with lots of extra FREE rehearsals in the year to get you happy and ready to do the really fun bit - sing and perform as a choir, and any commitment you make will fit nicely around the main holiday times in the year. You can contact our friendly team (many of whom sing in Rock Choir themselves!) by phone, email or directly book your FREE singing taster session at rockchoir.com/join. Here is a quote about our choir - 'My 12 year old daughter Abbii and I both sing in Rock Choir. It is great to do something together that we both really enjoy. We have sung at Disneyland Paris and Guilfest, and I have been on the Paul O'Grady Show. What an experience! ' - Judith (Rock Choir member) Rock Choir is a winner of the Red Ribbon 'Big Heart' Award. and holds 1 former and 2 current Guinness World Records. The choir is also credited with single handedly starting the contemporary choir movement... See more >

Start time: 8:00 PM. Make sure you book online at the Website link below.
Hub on Rye Hill, Kiln Drive, Rye TN31 7SQ
Tue 25 Jun

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