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The Funny Mummy

This show has been designed with parents in mind: written and performed by Alyssa herself, who is not only a parent but is also the co-founder of ‘Bring Your Own Baby Comedy’, the UK’s number one parent and baby comedy company. Alyssa has performed comedy to thousands of parents across the country including the West End, and says “most parents want to feel like it’s not just them that has no idea what they are doing” and it isn’t! Children don’t come with a manual, we are all winging it”. Alyssa’s comedy music videos, and sketches have gone viral on Netmums and Facebook and she has starred on BBC, ITV and SKY. This show is for parents with children of all ages, and includes jokes and songs about everything from pregnancy to playdates, whatsapp groups to school runs (spoiler alert: ‘Gangsta’s Paradise’ will never sound the same again!). The Funny Mummy show is on tour and has been selling out at venues across the country, and having an incredible reaction from audiences (Charlotte from Woolwich fell off her chair laughing at a show recently: she managed to save her crisps from the fall – legend!). If you're a parent, and you need a laugh, then this show is for you!... See more >

Show starts at 7.30 and ends at 9 pm Tickets are £16.
The Point Leigh Road Eastleigh SO50 9DE
Thu 16 May

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