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100th performance of Howerd's End by Mark Farrelly

100th performance of Howerd’s End by Mark Farrelly The Frankie Howerd OBE Trust (registered charity 1188630) is delighted to present Howerd's End which is a critically acclaimed play that deals with the relationship between one of this country's most famous comedians (Frankie Howerd) and his partner/manager, Dennis Heymer during the many years they lived together. The play is written by Mark Farrelly (Dennis) and also stars Simon Cartwright (Frankie), and they have offered to put on the 100th performance of this play in the village of Cross where Frankie and Dennis lived for many years, in the Memorial Hall which is just across the road from their house. Proceeds from the play will be donated to the Trust... See more >
Cross Memorial Hall, Webbington Road, Cross, Axbridge BS26 2EL
Sat 6 Jul

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