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Norwell Nurseries - Open Garden for NGS

Jewel box of over 3,000 different, beautiful and unusual plants sumptuously set out in a one acre plantsmans garden inc shady garden with orchids, woodland gems, cottage garden borders, alpine and scree areas. Pond with opulently planted margins. Extensive herbaceous borders and effervescent colour themed beds. Sand beds showcase Mediterranean, North American and alpine plants.
Check website for latest information.
For NGS: Sun 21 May, Sun 24 Sept (2-5). Admission £4, Children free. Home-made teas in Norwell Village Hall, Carlton Lane, on Sunday 25th June, other dates at the nurseries. Opening with Norwell Gardens on Sun 25, Wed 28 June. Times:14:00 to 17:00.
Norwell Nurseries, Norwell, Nottinghamshire NG23 6JX
Sun 24 Sep 2023
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